The Glen Ellyn Non-Profit Connection is a resource to connect non-profits through networking and education. Non-Profits have similar issues and struggles. Together we can make each other stronger.
At these quarterly meetings, each organization will:
- Introduce themselves, their organization and share upcoming news, events and services. We will also discuss any struggles at our round-table at the meeting.
- A 30-minute Professional Speaker will be provided on an issue directed specifically to help non-profits.
- A Round Table of Discussion & Best Practices will follow as we will discuss the topics of struggles listed previously. Example topics: fundraising, volunteer recruitment, telling your story, grant writing, transitioning of the Board or staff, etc. There will be years of experience and people with many talents. Together we can support each other, foster and collaborate ideas and improve our community.
These meetings are open to all non-profit Chamber Members at no additional charge. We will send out emails confirming further details. Coffee and pastries will be served. Non-Chamber non-profits are encouraged to attend a meeting to be introduced to the program and GECOC membership.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce with questions and comments.