Glen Ellyn Chamber Monthly Meeting

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Name: Glen Ellyn Chamber Monthly Meeting
Date: January 14, 2025
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM CST
Registration: Online registration is now closed. For late registration please call the Chamber at 630.469.0907.
Event Description:

Annual Installation of the Board of Directors 

Join us for the Installation of our Board of Directors for 2025. Come hear what the Chamber has to offer in 2025. It is going to be an exciting year for the Chamber with more networking, great events and new ideas to better educate, promote and showcase your business!

Also Acting Village President Donna Jean Simon and Village Manager Mark Franz will deliver the State of Village. 

Luncheon Sponsorship is Available 

The Chamber Monthly meeting is an event that is a Great Opportunity to Network with other members, listen to special guest speakers with a timely presentation topic, and to enjoy a wonderful lunch at a local Chamber restaurant. 
Event Sponsors:

Awards Sponsor

Reserve 22 at Village Links
485 Winchell Way
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Date/Time Information:
11:30 Registration
12:00 Lunch
Contact Information:
Glen Ellyn Chamber Office at 630-469-0907 or via Email
$45 Chamber members
$55 Non-members
$250 Sponsor Table 
Pre-Payment is requested and appreciated for ease at check-in.
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